NTHS SWIMMINGOur 2019 season was the most successful year to date. We had 11 swimmers advance to state with the girls team coming in 4th overall. We didn't get to do our 2020 season. 2021- short and sweet. We had 4 athletes qualify for Regionals. No States due to pandemic.
2022- We came back with an incredible 15 NTHS records and almost all kids qualified for regionals. Then 12 swimmers swam at States. Girls placed 2nd and Boys 6th! Absolutely AMAZING! 2023- Wowza- Crushed at Regionals and States again! 2nd place for girls and 4th place for boys as a team! 2024- We hope to be going to Vegas! This is a fun team and if you have any interest in swimming, you should dive in and join us. Please note: STUDENT ATHLETES are responsible for getting to the practice on their own. We do not provide car rides as a school. For Incline and Truckee meets, the student athlete is also needing to provide their own transportation. |
Would you like to Volunteer?
Needs from PARENTS:
Volunteer Driver Own Vehicle Instructions (From HR website):
Complete the Volunteer Clearance Application online through Informed K-12 and choose "Volunteer Driver Own Vehicle". A few notes to help you fill out the form:
Once your application has been routed through the appropriate channels, you’ll receive an email from a TTUSD HR employee through your application to schedule an in-person clearance appointment at the District Office.
At that appointment, we’ll explain the remainder of the process and provide the necessary paperwork that will include fingerprinting, TB risk assessment paperwork, and a few brief online trainings. All of this will be explained at the appointment with HR, and they’ll walk you through the remaining steps.
Fingerprinting and the TB risk assessment can both be completed in Truckee without appointments once you have the appropriate paperwork from HR. The fingerprinting will have a $20 rolling fee that the volunteer is responsible for. However, we don’t want this to be a barrier for any volunteers, so please contact your school site if you need financial assistance.
Upon completion of fingerprinting and submitting the TB risk assessment paperwork, we typically have results and clearance within a few days. At that point, you’ll receive an email to inform you of clearance.
Previously Approved Volunteer Drivers
If you’ve been previously approved as a volunteer driver, you do not need to go through the entire process again. For every following year after initial clearance, you’ll just need to complete the Volunteer Clearance Application online and attach a 3-year driving record that can be obtained online through the California DMV for $2 and proof of liability insurance at a minimum of $100,000/maximum $300,000.
Needs from PARENTS:
Volunteer Driver Own Vehicle Instructions (From HR website):
Complete the Volunteer Clearance Application online through Informed K-12 and choose "Volunteer Driver Own Vehicle". A few notes to help you fill out the form:
- Complete all red boxes in the Volunteer Information section.
- For the “Supervisor” line, write the site you’re planning to volunteer at.
- Volunteer Drivers need to attach proof of liability Insurance at a minimum of $100,000 and a maximum of $300,000 (screenshot or download/upload)
- Volunteer Drivers need to attach a 3 Year Driving Record that can be obtained online at California DMV for $2
- Click the “Submit Form” button to route it to the appropriate school site administrator.
- If you get a pop-up box asking if you’re a site/department administrator, click no.
Once your application has been routed through the appropriate channels, you’ll receive an email from a TTUSD HR employee through your application to schedule an in-person clearance appointment at the District Office.
At that appointment, we’ll explain the remainder of the process and provide the necessary paperwork that will include fingerprinting, TB risk assessment paperwork, and a few brief online trainings. All of this will be explained at the appointment with HR, and they’ll walk you through the remaining steps.
Fingerprinting and the TB risk assessment can both be completed in Truckee without appointments once you have the appropriate paperwork from HR. The fingerprinting will have a $20 rolling fee that the volunteer is responsible for. However, we don’t want this to be a barrier for any volunteers, so please contact your school site if you need financial assistance.
Upon completion of fingerprinting and submitting the TB risk assessment paperwork, we typically have results and clearance within a few days. At that point, you’ll receive an email to inform you of clearance.
Previously Approved Volunteer Drivers
If you’ve been previously approved as a volunteer driver, you do not need to go through the entire process again. For every following year after initial clearance, you’ll just need to complete the Volunteer Clearance Application online and attach a 3-year driving record that can be obtained online through the California DMV for $2 and proof of liability insurance at a minimum of $100,000/maximum $300,000.
Come Join the fun and Swim. |